Es geht auch anders - ein CSU-Bürgermeister (!) macht's vor
Der CSU-Bürgermeister und sein 6.000-Seelen-Ort haben die letzten Jahre vier bis fünfmal mehr Flüchtlinge aufgenommen als sie eigentlich müssten.
Richard Reischl und seine Bürgerinnen und Bürger wehren sich gegen eine 'das-Boot-ist-voll-Rhetorik'.
Die größten Hürden seien Bürokratie und Arbeitsverbote, klagt Bürgermeister Richard Reischl und fordert auch von seiner Partei, der CSU, weniger Polemik und Stimmungsmache, stattdessen konstruktive Lösungsansätze.
Richard Reischl ist hat es geschafft, dass es in Hebertshausen ein gutes Miteinander gibt zwischen Einheimischen und Neuankömmlingen. Die Menschen fühlen sich weder überfremdet noch überfordert.
Die Kriminalität sei in den letzten Jahren sogar gesunken, so Reischl. Die AfD spiele hier kaum eine Rolle.
@Fedicate You see I generally have much disdain for such projects as many other people on fedi. There is a lot scorched earth around these types of projects.
But thank you for answering honestly. Please make sure to provide as much info on the website itself.
There are these kinds of lists that used to put instances on them for the most bogus reasons and many projects use these lists as their base. The latest Culmination was The Bad Space, which is just plain bad and has many, many bad infos listed.
There is such stuff listed for reasons as “alt-fedi” (what the hell that is I dunno), or banning certain Instances for using specific software (pleroma most of the time since its “nazi”) or listing instances since they are “ adjancent” to “known bad actors”. And in general being very unresponsible with the list which will be used blindly by admins.
Generally I would suggest to NOT use this as the base for your list and start from scratch. Everything else is asking for trouble. Even going through fediblock is ill-advised if you not check every report for its autheticity.
Also you generally might need more people to the team since workload might become an issue for a single person.
Good luck with your project and please make sure that you are working in good-faith and as open as possible.
@Fedicate Oh boy another FediBlock-List. Not here to name and shame though (for now)
I do have quite some questions though. So from what I can gather this is some kind of Fediblock-super-list with permanent and easily searchable records.
One can have very differing opinions on if thats good ot not. I just want to ask some general questions.
Such a project lives and dies on the basis of openness and trust first and foremost. And in that regard your website atleast is lacking much critical information/documentation. Atleast its good to hear that reports will be manually vetted.
Please outline the process of getting a report on the site and the possibilities of appealing a report on the website in an easy to understand manner.
Are you able to verify if a person is actually the holder of an account they want to report someone with?
How do you plan fighting falsified reports?
How will you decide what is considered a truthful report and what is a fraudulant report?
Will your desicions and the conclusions you came to be public knowledge as well? (basically: Will you be open about your reasoning and make it availiable for scrutiny?
Who are the people behind this project and why should I trust you to run this project in good faith to begin with?
Will you give the recipient of a report a chance to chip in their POV before taking a desicion?
Do you have enough people to work going through these reports?
Are you aware of your own biasis? And what is your plan to avoid biased decisions on what is put on the list?
Will the “receipts” for a claimed report also be public knowledge?
Have you thought about the legal requirements like a privacy policy, imprint (depending on country of operation), GDPR-rules and other Data-protection laws in other countries?
I made a website and it hasn't exploded yet!
<insert appropriate hashtags for the occassion here>