@solidsanek @epsi Haha the doujin is kinda quirky it seems. Like is it me or is the head-proportions kinda off even for manga blobcatjoy
Fixed some hole on my jeans today.


PS: It is kinda fun taking pics with a proper Camera and not a phone.
Doing some cute, little silly things today. Once I get 2 of these ones done they will be gifted to a lovely couple, being Studio Haoto, that does artistry stuff together. Since the wife of the couple started V-Tubing I wanted to make a little something. She said on stream that you can send her any fan-art you like (even a stick-figure would be fine she said lol) I thought of something a little extra.

Since they are also based in germany I can send them stuff. So I thought put my sewing skills to the test and good use and send something sewn together of fabric scraps.

I figured out the basic shape by now which is cool. Though some hand-sewing will be required (closing the hole for filling it with a blind stitch) and embroidery will need to be done by hand as well. But it might be pretty cool still.

Edited 9 days ago
I am legally obligated to share this pic with you.

Hestia is bestia after all!

Edited 10 days ago
new camera
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I got myself some new toy to play with a bit. A proper camera. I read good things about this one so I bought a used for around 230€. It seems to take quite nice pictures (maybe? not that I would know...)

Though the automatic mode insisted on using 3200 ISO indoors maybe my lighting is shit lol.

But turning the wheel to "P" and setting the ISO to 800 produced some nice images of my cute outfit.

I actually bought to maybe do some video with as well in the future. Just you sure notice the G70s lack of proper stabilization the G81 has. But that was just too expensive for me. Since I wanted to use a tripod for most filming and photos anyway this should be fine.

If you can recommend me something that can teach the basics on such cameras feel free to do so

edit: yeah I obviously had to cut some images to remove my face so they are not straight from the camera but saved again as a png

#camera #crossdressing
Heute mal ein paar Kilometer aufs E-Bike geschrubbt. 5km waren irgendwie unbeabsichtigt... Hatte mich ein wenig verfahren. Gesamtkilometer sind jetzt 65 und Tageskilometer heute 35km

Und der Tour-Modus is schon nice wenn man in der Stadt unterwegs ist. Die Beschleunigung von der Ampel weg is nice.

#eBike #fahrrad
depol, joke miku
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most relevant poll ever. I would vote for her tbh
Crossdressing fun again
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Had some fun again with some dress-up. Got some new laces and a skirt in the mail. Check the alt-texts for some more info on the outfits.

Heute in fedibikes. Ich hab mir endlich mal ein E-Bike gefunden. Und ein paar Kilometer konnte ich damit auch fahren. 10 um genau zu sein.

Auf dem Bild ist ein CUBE 24 Kathmandu Hybrid ONE 750 zu sehen. Der Händler in Freiburg hatte es grade für einen (denke ich) guten Preis im Angebot. So wie es da steht hat es um die 2700€ gekostet inkl. Korb und Schloss.

Die erste Ausfahrt zum einkaufen war ganz nice. Auch wenn es fast schade ist das es bei 25kmh abriegelt. Aber das macht sicher sinn. Hier und da kann ich aber auch mal 30 ballern. Man merkt aber schon ganz gut wenn die Unterstützunh weg ist lol.

Andere Griffe will ich aber vielleicht doch haben. Die die dabei sind sind zwar ergo-griffe aber irgendwie sehr soft

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Wisst ihr... es tut gut eine solche Schlagzeile zu lesen...

Einem kann echt schlecht wenn man z.B. heute Habeck zugehört hat in der Wirtschaftsdebatte der von Firmen erzählt hat in denen Menschen mit "nicht-deutschem" Namen darüber nachdenken Deutschland zu verlassen. Fast zu fliehen.

Mein Dank wie schon zu Anfang letzten Jahres als "Remigration" ein Hippes Modewort der Rechten wurde, den ganzen tollen Menschen die "Flagge" zeigen. Sich für all die Menschen einsetzen, die Angst haben und verzweifelt sind.

Es bleibt wirklich zu hoffen dass sich die Union einen Ruck gibt und "Mr. Burns" vielleicht doch vor die Tür setzt (unwahrscheinlich).

Bis zur Wahl ist noch Zeit. Redet mit Menschen mit euren Liebsten. Schickt sie zur Wahl. Jede Stimme für Demokratie ist eine gute. Danke an alle draußen in der Kälte. blobcatheart

Ich werde mich in den nächsten Wochen auch an den Demos in Freiburg beteiligen und da sein wo ich kann. (Und eine Kerze besorgen gehen)

Bleibt stabil akko_fistup
Is this fedi?

#manga #webtoon
@quad Atleast its not the lastest (upcoming) Monster Hunter Game. Like what the fuck is this.
LLENN-hat v2 now done
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Hey I finally finished the thing. After loosing my sanity just a bit with the ears but I got them attached securely. They not really attached super nicely but I managed to hide the mess somewhat.

The cap is kinda offcenter and I had some problems with the top of the hat with how I attached the ears. But they stand up quite nice. Some photos for you. Also I do have two now.

Also I did make the hat slightly to big on the headband. I wanted it to be slightly wider than v1 but I added a tad too much maybe. But I guess I could wear it with a wig akko_shrug

I do really love the color and how it turned out in the end.

#sewing #GGO
re: some sewing stuff (making LLENN-hat v2)
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What a day I had indeed... My freezer came and I decided oh it would be a great idea to bring some of my many many cardboard boxes to the recycling center. It was on a damn hill.... Also destroyed some boxes at home with a boxcutter.... anyway Back on topic.

The hat is coming along really great. I have all the smaller pieces together in the bigger pieces. There is "just" 2 things left to do tomorrow:

- sew on the ears and stuff them
- put all the bits and pieces together into an actual hat. (so many layers of fabric...)
re: some sewing stuff (making LLENN-hat v2)
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@aetios I really like my new Machine. Its from a company in Puniland. A bernette b33. But tbh everything is better than the 20€ used machine that I bought from a turkish guy xD

You can generally get a used one but a refurb is your best bet tbh since they will be mechanically sorted. This one on the pic is 280€ new
@Carlos ziemlich sicher gut hast den schon gesehen weil ich den Hut eigentlich schon habe aber der ist einfach nicht pink genug. Aber hier ein paar Fotos von v1

v2 kommt schon mal voran:
some sewing stuff (making LLENN-hat v2)
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The new machine works so lovely yor_heart Was a good purchase it seems. It will be interesting to see how it will handle mutiple layers of labric. I will have to sew together like 6 layers together at one point. Though if a crappy 20 € sewing machine managed that this new one will certainly.

Todays progress: All the pieces for the hat were cut out and zick-zacked to prevent fraying.

The hat will look so good in the proper pink!

#cosplay #sewing
Anime, Elf and Behemoth(Cat), bestiarity (almost)
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Yeah exactly where I thought this would be going... and this shit gets an anime alright!

Don't show this to volpeon it will break him...
Bild, AfD schlimmste Schlagzeile ever, depol
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Ja ohne Worte meine Freunde... Die Bild legt wie die AfD alle häme ab oder was?

HABEN DIE DA LACK GESOFFEN die Weidel so hochzuhieven als hätte die AfD eine Chance die CDU einzuholen. Ich selbst bezweifle ja dass die AfD noch mehr Wählerpotential als die jetzigen 20% finden wird.

Wo kann ich mich über so eine Scheiße beschweren? blobfoxangry

Leute geht bitte wählen. Jedes Prozent weniger bei der AfD ist gut und richtig. Egal was ihr wählt geht wählen

Crossdressing: Lolita Dress Edition / slight blood from shaving
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Am I having too much fun dressing up lately yeah likely. But this dress came in just yesterday so a photoshoot was in need!

Shaving legs for the first time as well. It took way too long and I took away some cuts as well. Gonna review if I wanna do that again ever. I am a tights person anyway really. So I will just wear thicker ones and likely don't care about shaving Ig

It is certainly a look atleast blobcatdrool

My favorites are the first two images. and the ones with the brown boots. I love the Dolly-50 Heels for their looks but the boots might end up more practical since they are flat. Tell me what you think akko_wink

#crossdressing #lolita #dress
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