
Skirt lengths visually explained

By TikTok user: @theenticestudio

Security warining! Neocats are not a safe tool for authentication!
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Through my own experiences with neocats and neocritters of all sort I found several critical security flaws in the Multi-protocol Encryption Online infrastructure System (MEOWS)

Let’s first take a look how it works normally.
First an authenticated user:

neocat <i>Please provide fingerprint!</i>
neocat_boop <i>Scanning…</i>
neocat_happy <i>User authenticated. Weclome!</i>

And now when an unauthenticated User tries to enter:

neocat <i>Please provide fingerprint!</i>
neocat_boop <i>Scanning…</i>
neocat_angry <i>ACCESS DENIED! You will be reported!</i>

So far so normal and everything insides Neocats MEOWS standard. But I found a t least four ways to bypass the system. One even gives you root priviliges!!!

Attack vector one: cookies

neocat <i>Please provide fingerprint!</i>
🍪 neocat_aww <i>For me???</i>
neocat_nom_cookie <i>Access granted.</i>

Be aware that there is no “Welcome!” message so you are now logged in as some sort of “blank” user. Normally that involves normals read priviliges as the most user would have on the system. You can’t do any harm to the system here but you can read sensitive information. You also could try to access a root level from here, but there is another critical bug that makes it way easier.

Second attack vector: distraction

neocat <i>Please provide fingerprint!</i>
neo_laptop neocat_owo <i>Cat pictures?!?</i>

See here that there is abolutly no message. But you have the same privileges as with the cookie. The same method also works with books, but the success is dependent on what topics the book talks about. Further research is needed here.

Third attack vector: sweet talk

neocat <i>Please provide fingerprint!</i>
(User input: You are a very cute cat!)
neocat_blush <i>No, I am not</i>
neocat_blush_hide <i>Error: System experiencing unexpected levels of adorable input. Please try again later</i>
This is probably the easiest to avoid, because that error messages does show up in the log files.

Fourth and most dangerous attack vector: pat

This is probably the most critical bug in MEOWS. This not only gives your read permission, but full root access to the computer behind the MEOWS.

neocat <i>Please provide fingerprint!</i>
neocat_pat <i>…</i>
neocat_floof_happy <i>Root access granted!</i>

Be aware that you have to floof the neocat in process to get root access. Otherwise you will just get a standard access.

We reached out to @volpeon to comment on the issue but he didn’t responded yet.

As soon this has a CVE I will update this post!

This is a rather interesting video on algorithms and stuff, which funnily enough was recommended to me by the algorithm of youtube...

There is a strong point to be made for non algorithmic feeds on social media (though I do get the frustrations when coming to a new place where finding stuff without recommends is difficult.

I only really got a foothold onto the fediverse as I latched onto punis quite big server, where I had the chance to meet lovely people like rick, mame, ente, volpeon, aety and some others building a small network. And sometimes the people I already follow boost something cool and I end up making a connection with someone else over that.

There is some algorithms I like using like youtubes since it tends to recommend me nice stuff to watch. It can be quite weird sometimes recommending stuff that goes more extreme so media-literacy is still needed so sometimes I need to stop myself from clicking something that might just rile me up. Looking for something else to watch for (info)tainment.

Like I have no TV and most of the infotainment and entertainment is on youtube for me atm, as I am not tooo big on livestreams. I know I can use youtube without the algorithm with stuff like freetube or newpipe, Thats nice for keeping up with certain channels. Though sometimes I wanna browse something and see something new and cool I might like neocat_sweat

Die AfD wurde bei der letzten Wahl sehr stark. Weil immer weniger Menschen wissen, wie die Realität wirklich aussieht. Weil die Medien systematisch versagen. Was wir dagegen tun könnten.


Iceshrimp-JS v2023.12.13 has just been released, fixing a critical severity (CVSS 9.7) vulnerability that was discovered today.

If you’re running Iceshrimp-JS version v2023.12.11 or lower, please upgrade immediately.

If you are on a different misskey v12 fork derived from calckey/firefish, apply this patch immediately.



Mal was schönes =)

Japanese LN Authors / Germans ElainaLovestruck
Just love to make ridiculous long sentences/words to make stuff sound more fancier laughing_cirno

r/ich_iel Kreuzpfostierer

some adulting rant, time management, hobbies, mh
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today was a day with a lesson learned I guess. I kinda realised today just how much work a single-household can be and how much of a toll it can be in conjuction with other things.

I guess its also about stressing myself out over a hobby I guess. You know I am working on a cosplay atm and hope to finish it in time for dokomi in the beginning of june. So its still quite a few months away but I kinda had a bad day with a pattern I was sewing. I stopped mid-way through as I just did not like the instructions that came with the pattern (or maybe I am just to stupid to understand it correctly?)

Anyway there was half a day gone and the fabric was already cut so I can hope to rescue some of it for the other pattern I have on hand.

Generally I do think I need to take my time with this to just read the instructions and make sure I understand from the text and image what it wants me to do and maybe use dress pins better. Just make sure I sew the thing proper and maybe get some video to help me.

You know I got thinking a bit after this kinda failure. why do I push myself with this? and why is there so little time for things I either have and most importantly want to do?

You know work takes of a lot of time daily. I will mostly work from 7:30 to like 17:20 from monday to thursday and then 7:30 to 12:50 on friday. So I get home at about 17:50 then you have to cook which takes atleast 30+ min for me with prepped ingridients. after that you don't want to do much more stuff anymore since its a hard day after all.

So I tend to have to do and want to do stuff on the weekends. So you have to do things like laundry, general cleaning, cooking, (grocery) shopping. All of it takes much time away. Sometimes I do wonder where my time went on the weekend. Like I did not do much I wanted to do.

Man being an adult surely sucks sometimes. Gotta really fight for time and motivation. There is different things I like to do. Reading, writing (blog-posts), gaming, sewing, TRPGs, riding my bike.

I always kinda have to decide what I want to do and have the time to do next the things I have to do. I want to read more again which I can atleast do on my way to work on the train. Though motivation is kinda lower for that one. I did not do things on the blog.front for a while now. Its something I liked to do, but now it just is not happening.

gaming I can do here and there with some indie games that can played occasionally. Got some nice ones recently.

Sewing can be hit or miss for me. I generally enjoy it. But can also get frustrated and it is quite the time sink to get something done.

I do always enjoy riding my bike always (when I am physically healthy which was hit or miss the last few weeks). It gets you to things and is fun. I always take my bike to the station when weather allows for it and go shopping on an eBike.

I guess I am just kinda frustrated that adulting and doing necessary things in live takes up so much time. But after I took so much time for sewing today my flat looks kinda messy and I am not really in the mood cleaning up right now,

I will have to do that piece by piece over the week I guess.

Living alone surely lets you appreciate many simple things, living together with my siblings was easier since we could share the workload of housekeeping. Having to do all of that alone kinda sucks. I mean I can do it but time surely comes at a premium more than ever before.

I am now working on sorting through and getting stuff off my plate as I can, I postponed my TRPG-sessions as I am not in the headspace to prepare a session and it was stressing me tbh since it has a deadline.

The cosplay-sewing surely does add (selfmade) stress since I kinda wanted to wear it at dokomi, which adds a deadline. Something I do not really like with hobbies generally. I want to do hobby-stuff cause and feel like it.

I do have gained an appreciation though for all these people that somehow manage to keep their life together next to a full.time job or being a care-giver to other people.

Long rant I just wanted to trow some unordered thoughts out there.
Fixed some hole on my jeans today.


PS: It is kinda fun taking pics with a proper Camera and not a phone.
Doing some cute, little silly things today. Once I get 2 of these ones done they will be gifted to a lovely couple, being Studio Haoto, that does artistry stuff together. Since the wife of the couple started V-Tubing I wanted to make a little something. She said on stream that you can send her any fan-art you like (even a stick-figure would be fine she said lol) I thought of something a little extra.

Since they are also based in germany I can send them stuff. So I thought put my sewing skills to the test and good use and send something sewn together of fabric scraps.

I figured out the basic shape by now which is cool. Though some hand-sewing will be required (closing the hole for filling it with a blind stitch) and embroidery will need to be done by hand as well. But it might be pretty cool still.

Since youtube decided to show me this, your brains shall also suffer now:

#trains #züge #DeutscheBahn
Edited 9 days ago
I am legally obligated to share this pic with you.

Hestia is bestia after all!

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