slight spoiler for volume 4
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@epsi Have kebab kukuri
Hey @epsi this might be up your alley
bocchi Manga vol. 3 spoilers
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Surely something for @epsi to enjoy out of volume 3 of bocchi-manga
some more bocchi stuff
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Just to add some stuff for you two @puniko and @weebdeluxe

Thanks to Hakuneko I could grab some scanlations. From the look of things they seem better quality. I dunno if you can see the difference from the screenshots (directly from the reader) but akko_shrug Since akkoma does not like bitmaps here is a link to nextcloud: Have a look if you want.

On the reader the scanlations do look better I think.

Also something cool it seems the scanlators added here and there in the chapters is attached below. In the beginning of each chapter there is that rock-band cover omage. So the scanlators it seems added this page (or its part of the japanese release but I don't think so) so non-rock fans get what inspired the shot
some dress posting (cute)
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I am in absolute love with the two pieces that arrived today. Though I have my common problems with them (being maybe a bit shorter than they should be lol, tall person things and the thing with sleeves *always* being to short. Dressing up is really fun though, especially with such cute things.... nkoHehe

But the two pieces look absolutely lovely. Just maybe need some tall (in like thigh thigh) boots to go with it.

I might also need to add another button to the mantle, so I can close it properly. Its kinda sad the sleeves are a tad to short (a problem I share with my sis lol)

If you have some ideas or something let me know. But I think it looks quite well already,

This is too cool not to share even though it comes from twitter.

Ramen non-vegan
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Some non-vegan ramen images for you. It was tasty but I did add a tad too much water into the miso-soup so my bowl was a bit more bland then it should have been. Added some fish-sauce to get more salty flavour into it for my siblings. The Mushroom and chicken came our really well.

Also I do like dark-miso better than light one. But its all we had at home. Would recommend ramem though. Its easily made (maybe just takes a bit of time) and very taste. Had some vegan one as well a few months back which was great as well
@guyinaskirt @rick Lets just answer to this post I suppose. I got my doc martens today model 1914 smooth. They look pretty well and should compliment my cosplay idea for LLENN from Gun Gale Online very well (that why I tested the pink laces as well)

The first one I did try just for fun, though red laces would compliment that one more well.

The second pic is a test how it might look in a cosplay. Just imagine the pants being pink instead. I just threw on some loose fitting sweat pants. It does look nice to me and should look well in cosplay (which I will have to make some time next year.

I have some gripes with the docs though. Maybe thats just me. I normally like to bind my boots rather tight like seen in the first pic, but they do like to be bound more loosely like seen in Pic 2. The tongue in them seems to be rather interestingly attached since it is not only attached at the front like normal but also on the sides to a point (see pic ignore the small tear in the tongue they were bought used the tongue is securily attached)

It is a bit weird to me since I have to "fold" the tongue in order to do up the laces more tightly.

I might also think about trying out some more wide laces. I like how these look but I also have to check how to do the laces up in a better way. The criss-cross outside in is normally a nice way to do them up but I kinda think these need some other way... I will have some time to think about stuff lol
Good evening Fedi. I kinda do feel like sharing some pics of my beloved outifits. I feel generally comfortable doing this. I think this should be fine.

I guess I can thank @guyinaskirt, @rick and a very special friend for a boost in confidence. I thought I share some of my favorites with you people.

The first image was about the outfit I wore for animagic (+plus some breast forms just to see how it would look)

I outfit with knitted gray sweater I dig so much with every shoe. Hotpants do look good on me lol. Show off thosr legs lol. I really like that outfit with the chelsea heels as well.

The red dress I like very much as well. Its a bit too tight since I ordered one size to small but I like the flow off that dress and the lace at the top

Funnily enough women garderobe lets me look kinda wider on my shoulders than normal. Oh well. akko_shrug I like myself.

If you have an idea what I could try for an outfit let me know. Still looking for some style. But nothing to femboy please >.>

So the A750 boots up just fine in 2D-Mode it works. Fastfetch included lol. Now gonna see how much I can push Forza Horizon 4 with it.
Ich bin vielleicht ein bisschen früh von zu Hause los lol. Noch eine halbe Stunde auf den Zug warten und den Sonnenaufgang genießen :D
@Carlos @Hiker @BrauchC Ihr müsst es einfach machen wie Ryo.
@grillchen I am just that good.
My Crossdressing Crush Spoilers.
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Warum denk ich bei dem Bild an Fedi?
Der Webtoon fährt achterbahn mit mir....
@fristi @schappi @mametsuko Fristi being absolutely defeated.

(I just had to I am sorry). But wet on a bicycle not my style.
@puniko lol ja irgendwie hab ich net an die Konstrast sachen gedacht. Das zu erhöhen ist immer ein bisschen Semi weil logischerweise dann schöne Artefakte kommen aber besser als blasse Farben. Durchaus besser jetzt.

Danke Puni für die Erinnerung. akko_hug
@puniko Hier noch das gleiche Panel am PC. Und I know es ist echt net die beste Idee Fotos zu machen von dem E-Reader xD
@puniko okay ein bisschen testen später.... Ist wohl leider doch nicht so einfach dass auf den Reader zu klatschen wie ich das gerne hätte.

(Keine Ahnung ob dich das alles wirklich juckt aber ich hau mal raus, vielleicht ja doch)

man merkt der Webtoon ist extrem Smartphone-optimiert. Das ist so ein contentious scroll ding. Davon hab ich früher schon öfter mal gehört weil Publisher auch festgestellt haben, dass Leute viel Smartphones verwenden. Also gehen Webtoon und so und ordnen die Manga dann so an dass man einfach von oben nach unten scrollen. Ist cool wenn man einem Smartphone ist.

Glücklicherweise kann man auf dem E-Reader auch scrollen ist halt nur eher sluggish weil halt E-Ink (duh) aber es geht.

HakuNeko weiß scheinbar nicht wie das mit dem continous scroll geht und trennt einem immer einzelne Seiten raus, ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste. Cuttet das dann schon mal druch Bilder durch. Wenn man halt auf dem EReader scrollt dauert der volle Aufbau wegen der Farbe ein wenig.

Ich hab mal noch paar Screenies beigehängt.

Das erste ist der Webbrowser. Sieht tbh ganz nice aus.

Das zweite ist der PB Reader. Der neigt dazu Farben stark zu übersättigen, was doof ist.

Das Dritte is Koreader. Da wirken normal ziemlich blass und ich hab keine wirkliche Einstellung finden können das zu verbessern. Muss aber nochmal sehen. Ich weiß die machen dass extra so. Aber das coole an Koreader ist man kann da die Gaps zwischen den einzelnen "Seiten" ausblenden und das lässt sich dann relativ gut mit continous scroll verwenden.

Bild 4 zeigt nochmal den PB Reader wo ich bisher keine Funktion gefunden habe wie bei Koreader die Abstände verschwinden. Danke dass du zu meinem Ted-Talk gekommen bist.

Ich hab also zwei möglichkeiten. Ein bisschen mit Koreader rumspielen oder einfach im Webbrowser lesen (auf dem E-reader oder Smartphone, Tablet hab ich zu Hause gelassen...)
@puniko Muss ich mal sehen. Aber im Browser ists schon fast lesbar xD. Endlich kann der Farb-E-Reader mal nützlich sein xD

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