The (pen) plot thickens!
Drawing circuit boards with invisible ink:
Bezahlkarte, Abschieben "im großen Stil", Sozialleistungen für bestimmte Geflüchtete "auf Null": Die Ampel hat in der Migrations- und Sicherheitspolitik Seehofer rechts überholt und die rassistischen Diskurse der AfD bereitwillig übernommen. Unser Talk mit @annskaja auf dem #38C3: Autoritäre Zeitenwende im Zeitraffer.
So. To give you an idea of the energy consumption, the whole #38c3 (for the 17k people for 4 days) consumed as much energy as.... 5 bitcoin transactions. It's not me who says it, it's the C3POC.
Reina is being fashionable! (Don't ask me how, I didn't even think she knew what to do with human clothing)
This is the outfit people had chosen in a poll over a month ago, I kinda put off finishing it for too long
Today is a very special day for @katerbilbo and me.
Ten years ago we got him from a cat rescue organisation, the “Katzenhilfe Stuttgart e.V.“.
He got hit by a car when he was about six months old with a lot of damage to his hip, but he recovered from that and with about nine months of age he got a new home at our place.
The video is from November 2014 still at the vet and the two pictures are from the day he arrived here. First he was careful and watched us from his transport box but even before sunset he started to relax and clean itself on the couch. The next evening he started to sleep next to me and to sleep in our bed with us.
Even though he has the usual heart issue that a lot of orange cats are suffering from he is still a cuddly old boy now. I know that unfortunately the longest time I will be able to spent with him is gone probably, I still looking forward to every day he comes on my lap to snuggle, sleep and purr.
This is my wallpaper yes
What do you have as wallpaper nerd?
Also desktop/phone wallpaper thread
AD(H)D is the inability to self-regulate your impulses caused by a developmental delay of the prefrontal cortex. Your natural dopamine production is reduced. You are more impulsive. You prefer the immediately rewarding activities over the activities that reap long-term benefits.
Anything immediately enjoyable has the potential to be addictive for you. You have a much higher risk to become addicted. Not only to drugs, but also to “easy” dopamine-sources like video games or masturbation.
Your shame of not being able to perform despite being smart increases your risk of addiction as compensatory action.
Here’s a plan on how to tackle it:
Heute ist nicht nur der erste Weihnachtsfeiertag, sondern in diesem Jahr beginnt am 25. Dezember mit dem Sonnenuntergang auch das jüdische Lichterfest #Chanukka. Acht Tage lang wird die Wiedereinweihung des zweiten Tempels in Jerusalem gefeiert. Dazu wird jeden Abend eine weitere Kerze am achtarmigen Chanukka-Leuchter (Chanukkia 🕎) entzündet. Traditionell werden fettige Speisen serviert wie Kartoffelpuffer (Latkes) und Krapfen (Sufganiot).
Very proud of this bathhaj I made that I’m allowed to post about now it’s christmas
Danke @volxfahradler!
Ich habe mich tierisch gefreut. 🥹🥰
geposted von u/Kuhmetzler5000
Do you have an old and unloved Amiibo *and* are you in Hamburg from Dec 26-30?
Let us know if we can take it - for science!