A gentle reminder that the Bad People WANT us to be scared and depressed. They also want us to be quiet and submissive.
Fuck that. I know it’s hard, but if you’re able to please do nice things for yourself today. And going forward, if it’s safe to do so, please be loud and beautiful. Don’t go back in the box; show the world we’re not fucking going away. We have always existed and we always will.
I love you.
Das Project 2025 ist ein Plan, die US-Exekutive umzubauen und mit loyalen #Trump-Anhängern auszustatten, damit Trump diesmal ungehindert seine faschistische Agenda durchsetzen kann. Dahinter steckt ein großes, internationales Netzwerk, das auch nach Deutschland reicht. Unsere 80-seitige Recherche mit über 1000 Quellen. https://www.volksverpetzer.de/analyse/project-2025-netzwerk/?utm_source=mstdn
New blog post: Out of the Loop(s)
Loops (by Pixelfed) is all in the news, and in this post I'll talk about why it won't work out in the long term.
Ich habe mal wieder spontan was für euch geschrieben. Mir fliegen manchmal so Dinge in den Feed die sicher für einige von euch auch spannend sind.
Diesmal habe ich ein Magazin rund Original English Light Novel im Angebot:
#LightNovel #OELN #OriginalEnglishLightNovel
Hi Fediverse denizens. I've been working on a project I hope will help Fediverse devs make software that federates across ALL services, not just Mastodon-plus-a-few-others.
It's called the Fediverse Schema Observatory and before launching it, I am opening up a public comment period re: safety and privacy.
This post lays out what the software does, what data it records, and why I think it's safe to deploy:
Please give feedback here or at the email in the post!
re online dating, what is it with cishet people and making it resemble the job application process? who has ever found a nice job that way and not through acquaintances/networking? does anyone actually believe that same approach will somehow work any better for finding partners??
i mean just think about it.
on one hand, you have women being very selective and having to reject most applicants, often because even the ones who aren’t legitimate creeps just do not even have the bare minimum of soft skills (stunted emotional development etc.). some get so many of them all the time it’s impossible to treat each one like a human being.
and on the other hand, you have men who keep getting ignored/rejected while nobody ever tells them what they could be doing better; who have to message dozens of potential matches to get one in-person interview and then pray they’re really gonna hear back in a week; whom the entire system is heavily rigged against because dating apps have a profit incentive and need everyone to remain single. like the many companies running fake job ads to put pressure on their employees by making them feel replaceable, dating platforms WILL bait them with everything they have.
like, fuck, y’all are using the internet all wrong. this isn’t just a void to scream into for attention; you can literally just cut out the middleman and open up to each other as cool internet friends before you even get into anyone’s DMs. be a person, not a persona. if there’s chemistry you will know. it’s not that hard.