
An artwork of Part 4 Angelica because there's very few of it.
I hope when season 4 arrive we'll get more artwork of her and Lieseleta.

do you know that feeling when you want to shove a server out of the fucking window?

I am at this point rn

Ryou fanart~

Good evening Fedi. I kinda do feel like sharing some pics of my beloved outifits. I feel generally comfortable doing this. I think this should be fine.

I guess I can thank @guyinaskirt, @rick and a very special friend for a boost in confidence. I thought I share some of my favorites with you people.

The first image was about the outfit I wore for animagic (+plus some breast forms just to see how it would look)

I outfit with knitted gray sweater I dig so much with every shoe. Hotpants do look good on me lol. Show off thosr legs lol. I really like that outfit with the chelsea heels as well.

The red dress I like very much as well. Its a bit too tight since I ordered one size to small but I like the flow off that dress and the lace at the top

Funnily enough women garderobe lets me look kinda wider on my shoulders than normal. Oh well. akko_shrug I like myself.

If you have an idea what I could try for an outfit let me know. Still looking for some style. But nothing to femboy please >.>

Good evening Fedi. I kinda do feel like sharing some pics of my beloved outifits. I feel generally comfortable doing this. I think this should be fine.

I guess I can thank @guyinaskirt, @rick and a very special friend for a boost in confidence. I thought I share some of my favorites with you people.

The first image was about the outfit I wore for animagic (+plus some breast forms just to see how it would look)

I outfit with knitted gray sweater I dig so much with every shoe. Hotpants do look good on me lol. Show off thosr legs lol. I really like that outfit with the chelsea heels as well.

The red dress I like very much as well. Its a bit too tight since I ordered one size to small but I like the flow off that dress and the lace at the top

Funnily enough women garderobe lets me look kinda wider on my shoulders than normal. Oh well. akko_shrug I like myself.

If you have an idea what I could try for an outfit let me know. Still looking for some style. But nothing to femboy please >.>

Edited 6 months ago

Well, is ruined now. Because WTF is this nonsense?

STOP MINIMIZING AND INFANTALIZING THE DISABLED. In case you didn't know it, NaNoWriMo, we kind of hate that.


P.S. On the classism, that is unhinged in its detachment. For real, have they never met poor and working class writers and artists? We're MORE likely to work together.




Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

Edited 6 months ago
🗡️ Sword of Convallaria fan art ⚠️ Depicts alcohol consumption, foul language, and a *very* bad pun
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Ihr wisst ja (vielleicht), dass ich Alya einfach mag. Ein Youtuber hat mal ein bisschen was zusammengestellt aus den verschiedenen Dubs mit den Szenen wo Alya russisch spricht.

Ich feier Alyas Stimme auf deutsch, so clean*. Auch wenn die Kommentare meinen, dass noch ein bisschen Akzent zu hören sei.

Die Amerikanische Version klingt auch nice aber die Dame klingt durchaus etwas älter. Hat schon fast so MILF-Vibes lol.

Hier das Vid: Alya speaking Russian in multiple dubs [language by language]

Btw die Kinder auf deutsch klingen echt wie so Kinder von Russland-Deutschen.

*Ich bin selber ja ein Kind von Russlanddeutschen und für mich klang das sehr nice. Aber klar da muss man auf die echten Russen hören xD

#roshidere #anime
Bin mir ziemlich sicher dass das hier doch deinen Geschmack treffen wird @weebdeluxe

Partying so hard right now. The devs of Cross Code finally announced their new Game Alabaster Dawn. So looking forward to that. I really liked Cross Code and this one looks good as well.

The blog may take a bit to load so have the link to the trailer directly:

Some thoughts on Forza Horizon 5 (might be long)
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So yeah I have some time on hand and get to play some vidya again. akko_yay

I was looking forward to giving FH5 a shot after I semi-recently "completed" (as in I did all the stuff I wanted in the missions and stuff) FH4. I liked that game a lot. There is problems with the game but it is fun.

So here are some initial thoughts on FH5.

The Game shares a similar problem with FH4 in that cars feel very meaningless in it. You just so many of them, you are showered in them (made worse by that wheelspin mechanic they introduced in FH4 I think). They just feel not very rewarding. But atleast you can use like almost every car in many of the events adds freedom and you can choose your favorites and just drive those I guess.

In FH4 I really liked those story events they were truely fun and special. Where else do you get to race against a train and get to utterly confuse James May by driving a Lotus Elise through water (The TopGear Stuff was fun)

In FH5 we have a Donut Media Collab. I really used to watch them a lot a few years back and am happy to see them in the game with stuff like Hi/Low. Looking forward what the events have in store for me here.

FH5 also has a voiced main-character (for the first time I think?) which leads to funny stuff. As Donut is an american outlet they obviously recorded english voicelines only. I play the game in german, which has voices in german for the main character. So the Donut Team speaks english, while my character answers and comments in german. Kinda funny.

I like the music selection Turn 10 made in FH5 generally. They again licensed stuff from MonsterCat so I do recognize stuff on one of the radios a lot. They also added more stations one for Punk stuff and Synthwave.

There is varriying music types which I like really much. Have a look;

I even bought the Horizon Albums from Hospital Records (they are on bandcamp) since I liked that D&B very much.

I will have some more fun now lol-.
ARD hat mal wieder eine interessante Doku rausgehauen. Diesmal Internet-Trolle. Das ist ganz schön krass. Da wird halt auch von der Polizei soviel versäumt...

Und es zeigt nochmal warum ich weg bin von so "Drama-Youtubern" ala KuchenTV. Keine guten Vibes.

CW fĂĽr Mobbing und alles in dem Zusammenhang obvs.
Today will be fun. First gonna grab an Intel Arc A750 in Freiburg and cleaning the Server at home, cause its like super dusty on the outside lol. That will be fun. After maybe I want to reinstall my desktop once again. That Endeavour Install is nice and all but also kinda full of stuff.

Starting fresh would be nice. Arch still will be my goto for sure. If I find the time I can also give PureOS on the Librem11 might be fun
Edited 7 months ago
Made it back from Animagic.

It was good, though certainly diffferent and smaller than dokomi. There is certainly an appeal going for a smaller con like Animagic. It was certainly more anime-centric than dokomi for sure. There were different cool panels and anime-screenings.

The Rosengarten on the outside was pretty cool as well. A friend told me you were not allowed to go onto the grass there a few years ago. Seems like they dropped that rule. There was lots of nice cosplay and generally a nice vibe in terms of atmosphere. Kinda like a small festival outside of the actual con. Very cool and chill.

It was nice to spent some time with @rick and my friend Dave which I met through the blog. I had a good time with the two.

I do generally like dokomi more actually for being a bigger and more "versatile" than Animagic. I do generally enjoy these conventions to meet people (online friends yay) though. Also dokomi had like a way bigger artist alley where you can get the unique stuff. The stuff from bigger publishers you can get online very easily.

One day on Animagic was enough for me though. Being in Mannheim for the first time certainly was a treat though.

The Mannheimer Quadrate are certainly full of life and full opportunities to eat some nice stuff and buy things. Rosengarten also was very beautiful.

I do think that next year dokomi might be the way to go for and maybe actually getting to some hackercon maybe. But thats all up in the air since I don't know where the hell I end up next year with work.

But having some vacation on a con again was nice. Also I got to dress nicely with a skirt and reasonable heeled boot lol. (Actually made it the whole day in those things without collecting blisters lol) I felt good that day. Skirts are sure nice in that weather.

Though tbh I would felt well with shorts as well.
Mehr Dinge aus dem Webtoon my Crossdressing Crush (Spoiler)
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Ich les mal wieder weiter den Webtoon. Und warum ist das so fucking real und nachvollziehbar? neocat_scream

Jetzt hat Makoto sich selbst wieder ein bisschen aufgegeben und läuft wieder als Kerl rum (auch wenn er safe was anderes will). Seine Mutter ist mal gar nicht supportive und er will nicht dass sie traurig ist.

Hat also angefangen sich in der Schule männlich zu kleiden. Und er hat gerade auch seine ganzen Sachen weggeworfen also seine weiblich Schuluniform und so.

Woher kenn ich das nur? Ach ging mir mal ähnlich mit dem ganzen Denial.

Ich liebe Frauenschuhe ich trag die gerne. Die sehen voll schön aus. Vor allem Stiefel und Dinge mit Absatz sind was feines für mich. Ich hab die dann auch immer gekauft und fand mich darin einfach schön.

Vor ein paar Jahren (so beim Beginn des Studiums) Hatte ich immer wieder Zweifel und hab immer wieder Schuhe entsorgt, nur um dann doch wieder welche zu kaufen paar Wochen später ^^" Ich kam mir falsch vor als sollte ich sowas nicht haben.

Ist wohl auch das gleiche wie wenn man Bilder von sich macht im Dress und die dann wieder löscht blobcatjoy Das hab ich auch oft genug gemacht.

Mir gefällt aber am Webtoon dass es gerade Makotos Vater war der ihm/ihr ermöglichte sich in der Schule auszuleben, weil der Vater den Rektor gut kennt. Stabil der Typ. Gefällt mir!
Ich bin vielleicht ein bisschen frĂĽh von zu Hause los lol. Noch eine halbe Stunde auf den Zug warten und den Sonnenaufgang genieĂźen :D
Moin Fedi nkoSleepy

Heute mal sehr früh wach weil ich einen Zug in den hohen Norden nehme. Mehr schlaf wäre gut gewesen, aber ich bin wohl etwas nervös lol.

Werds wohl ĂĽberleben. Freu mich voll..
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