#akkoma admins, if you can, please post a list of unused indexes on your instance to

instructions should be there in the thread
long programming post (python)
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I am actually having fun doing some programming right now. There is actually a problem I have I can solve with programming lol. Something that helps when I want to learn new stuff.

Allow me a quick tangent to explain what the goal is....

I really like playing the konosuba TRPG at the moment. I found two comfy groups to play with keeping me busy at the weekends (for 2 of any given month atleast)

I kinda was not the biggest fan of all the math I needed to do to create a character (especially since you have to redo lots of math when leveling up)

Since I don't really know any programming language. I made what everyone would do. Create a Spreadsheet. That was ... fun. I did get it to work how I wanted in the end. Which is cool. Really proud of what I made.

There is one problem. If I have to update the sheet for any reason (like wrong formulas or correct and add new skills) my players need to rebuild their character in the new sheet from scratch. It does not take too much time to do. But is something one could avoid.

I had that idea for a long time now to create a little program for this instead with a GUI component that is separate from the database portion (even a proper one!). So I could update the database any time I wanted and the players just need to drop in the new database and be done.

(And yes I did use the spreadsheet as a sudo-database maybe not the best decision oh well)

I have choosen python for the project since its all I really know even the tiniest bit (not that I know that much of it anyway, but debugging it is kinda nice I suppose...) from building a web scraper with it once.

I knew you could build GUIs with python. So I started searching around. Found pySimpleGUI and started with that only to get limited quite quickly and throwing that idea in the bin.

I found tkinter, which is a standard library in any python install. This is great since my players only would need python on their PCs as of now. I will likely need to add a dependency later for sqlite anyway, but why pull more stuff then necessary right?

The tkinter-GUI looks kinda bland and dated but it works so akko_shrug

I am starting to figure out some stuff and have made some progress. Right now I am just building the GUI without (much) logic behind it. Just so I have everything in place in terms of variables later. The screenshot shows my progress so far.

I already figured out how to make Input Boxes, Labels, Dropdowns and Tabs (weee)

That table at the bottom is built likely absolutely horribly but I needed many variables to do math with... So each column and row has its own variables. with lovely names as "Base_Stat_Attribute_Strength" and "Class_Mod_Strength" and "Class_Mod_Strength_Number" blobcatjoy

That should help me atleast to implement the logic easier later.

I started using Code-OSS for this project and have to say that microsoft does have build a nice editor for code. I could even add a Python debugger later which makes testing the file easier (instead typing commands to start the file into a terminal).

The one thing I saw in pyCharm which Code-OSS does not seem to have (yet?) is a nice list of all the variables I have defined which might be nice to implement the logic later.

If anyone of you has some ideas for useful stuff in Code-OSS let me know. I only know by now I won't use PyCharm since it seems like really heavy on processing power (Laptop fans spun up for sure when I started that lol)

Frieren in a hoodie

attention duelists

akkoma 2024.04 stable has been released

not halfway as urgent as last time but still features a bunch of fixes for random stuff hoo ray

Yen Press hat mal wieder einige Light Novel und Manga-Lizenzen angekündigt. Für mich persönlich ist jetzt nichts wirkliches dabei, auch wenn der Fakt, dass 86 Ein High-School-Manga Spin-Off bekommt irgendwie witzig ist.

Hier habt ihr die News von ANN zur AnkĂĽndigung:

Homeserver Chronicles RAID-Edition
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Some stuff is just funny to me. You I today went ahead and updated my server remotely (since I am not home atm for some time, ssh sure is nice ey)

So updated my Ubuntu on my homeserver just fine, new kernel and all. Went ahead to reboot. That takes some time normally with the homeserver.

When it was up again I ssh’d into again and I made a habit to check if any systemd-services did fail after a reboot. There was actually one: docker. It could not mount its storage-system.

Digging a bit on the internet revealed that some kernel module might not been loaded properly. Looking through some stuff I found I had the kernel

5.15.0-100-generic was loaded (via uname -r) but under /boot I only had 5.15.0-105-generic and 5.15.0-92-generic

neocat_confused How does that work xD

Looking around more I found out a disk was not mounted in the raid1 that is the system-disks (both SSDs).

So checked that disk and …. it seems fine?

Then why would linux throw it out of the md-raid?

I am utterly confused but that explains how I can load that kernel that does not exist on the other disk.

Basically I have only software-raid so both disks have their independent bootloaders installed.

It seems to me the disk got dropped out some time before the update today? and the update only took place on one disk?

The one disk that dropped was in a lower sata slot. So the dropped out disk was /dev/sdf, while the one still going is /dev/sdg

I suppose the system will mostly use /dev/sdf bootloader and somehow find that 100 kernel in there and boot that? I am utterly confused how this can even work….

Since the kernel modules are not quite the same linux gets a tad confused I suppose. I am though kinda surprised how usuable that server still is in that state.

I mean most stuff like sharkey, nextcloud and postgres run only on that array of raid5 spinning rust I have.

Right now I added the dropped-out disk in again and its now resyncing….

@epsi Soon™ in your windows Powershell / Command Prompt.

I am sorry epsi fedi just broke me at this point. I had to think of you reading this. neocat_sweat


Funny to see how people who enjoy "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" learn it's mostly German words used for the characters names.

So here is an incomplete list:
Frieren - to freeze
Himmel - Sky or Heaven
Eisen - Iron
Heiter - Cheerful
Fern - far away
Stark - Strong
Schlacht - Battle
Aura - Aura
Macht - power or rule
Grausam - cruel
Böse - evil or wicked

I am not sorry for this. I just had to get this one out of my system. Sadly I was not able to find the Sword Princess there. Instead I found a russian-style store.

As an #introvert I relate to this.



Hi Fedi, I did something!

Here is the Neomojimixer (BETA)!

A little website where you can mix different parts of the well known NEOMOJIS to create new ones without using GIMP or anything.

A big shout-out and a bigger thanks to
@volpeon for letting me use neofox & neocat
@onemuri for letting me use neorat
@EeveeEuphoria for letting me use neopossum

You are awesome! neofox_heartneocat_heartneorat_heartneopossum_heart

(I’ve contacted the author of :blobbee: and :neobread: but haven’t heard back yet, so they’re currently unavailable)

At the moment there are

  • 31 bodies to choose from
  • 32 different eyes to add
  • 24 mouths for different expressions
  • 35 arms (each in six different colours)

For a total of 276 elements to mix and match and over 800,000 possible combinations.

Please note that this is a BETA release, so there are some bugs to be expected. For example, the arms of neorat_frozen have the wrong colour outlines.

The HTML and CSS is “optimised” for the screen I developed the script on, and is one of my higher priorities for change. If you know your way around HTML and CSS, I would welcome a helping hand!

You can find the repository here:

Feel free to contribute in any way. Improve the JavaScript, add new parts, edit new bodies for even more variation… Anything is welcome.

Even just opening an issue to tell me about bugs or unexpected behaviour is welcome.

I can only spend a very limited number of hours on this project, so the speed of improvements can be higher with your help! neofox_heartneocat_heartneorat_heartneopossum_heart

So have fun with this little silly project!
And here are four examples of mixed-up NEOMOJIS.

Is this really happening? Mastodon of all things getting quote-post neocat_surprised_pika

Next thing you tell me is that they add custom emotes and custom emote reaction.

Is this an out of season Aprils Fool Joke? neofox_laugh

Will be interesting to see if mastodon builds on something existing or builds its own implementation. The latter likely and then everyone else will have to scramble again to support it lol.

Also will be interesting to see if all those doomsayers against the feature will be true or not (likely not)

(And yes this quote post is intentional comfyevil )


bringt "Quote Posts" ab Version 4.4 (aktuell ist 4.3). Wir dürfen gespannt sein, ob dieses zum teil umstrittene Feature irgendwas an der Kultur hier ändert. Vermutlich hängt das maßgeblich davon ab, wie es im Detail implementiert ist.


Trying out adding color in these lil scribbles cuz im not very good at color. do let me know what you think!

Edited 5 months ago

Hello Fediverse. This is my . I'm an audiovisual and editorial looking to connect with fellow and lovers to exchange ideas on: why languages are great, why translation is amazing, and how we can navigate the industry now AI is becoming more and more impactful. Some topics that interest me: inclusive language, inclusive communication, inclusion, linguistic varieties, linguistic prejudice.

Schweizer Taschen Puni neocat_woozy
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