Hello Fediverse. This is my #Introduction. I'm an audiovisual and editorial #translator looking to connect with fellow #translators and #language lovers to exchange ideas on: why languages are great, why translation is amazing, and how we can navigate the #translation industry now AI is becoming more and more impactful. Some topics that interest me: inclusive language, inclusive communication, inclusion, linguistic varieties, linguistic prejudice. #Xl8
My 4am brain has a little PSA for you. Just don’t run services with open registration and no further barrier on the internet.
You will end up like me when I got up today to use the bathroom then look at your smartphone only to find like 60 messages of registration on the service you run, all with usernames comprised of three random english words wie etwa hier
This is 56 users someone registered… I tried to shove the problem and get some sleep. Well guess who could not go to sleep without solving that issue first? This idiot here.
So as I was finished setting registration on conduit (a very nice matrix-server I might add) via tokens only it was already like half past 5 and there was no use in going to bed anyway since I normally get up at 6am.
Just make sure to secure your services fedizens…
Der Kater ist auch der Meinung, dass man heute besser im Bett bleibt