This is my wallpaper yes
What do you have as wallpaper nerd?
Also desktop/phone wallpaper thread
AD(H)D is the inability to self-regulate your impulses caused by a developmental delay of the prefrontal cortex. Your natural dopamine production is reduced. You are more impulsive. You prefer the immediately rewarding activities over the activities that reap long-term benefits.
Anything immediately enjoyable has the potential to be addictive for you. You have a much higher risk to become addicted. Not only to drugs, but also to “easy” dopamine-sources like video games or masturbation.
Your shame of not being able to perform despite being smart increases your risk of addiction as compensatory action.
Here’s a plan on how to tackle it:
Heute ist nicht nur der erste Weihnachtsfeiertag, sondern in diesem Jahr beginnt am 25. Dezember mit dem Sonnenuntergang auch das jüdische Lichterfest #Chanukka. Acht Tage lang wird die Wiedereinweihung des zweiten Tempels in Jerusalem gefeiert. Dazu wird jeden Abend eine weitere Kerze am achtarmigen Chanukka-Leuchter (Chanukkia 🕎) entzündet. Traditionell werden fettige Speisen serviert wie Kartoffelpuffer (Latkes) und Krapfen (Sufganiot).
Very proud of this bathhaj I made that I’m allowed to post about now it’s christmas
Danke @volxfahradler!
Ich habe mich tierisch gefreut. 🥹🥰
geposted von u/Kuhmetzler5000