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Joa sowas passiert schon mal... (Wohl) Mit Absicht in eine Gruppe Leute fahren.,UPEMbQe

Warum sind Leute in PKWs immer so gestresst? Der Fahrer darf jetzt wohl hoffen dass alle Verletzten durchkommen.
cc @mia Maybe this could of interest to you. I do remember to see you posting about wayland-stuff here and there

ps: I did make this post as answer before. But thought that maybe quoting is the better sorry mia for the double mention.

Ramen non-vegan
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Some non-vegan ramen images for you. It was tasty but I did add a tad too much water into the miso-soup so my bowl was a bit more bland then it should have been. Added some fish-sauce to get more salty flavour into it for my siblings. The Mushroom and chicken came our really well.

Also I do like dark-miso better than light one. But its all we had at home. Would recommend ramem though. Its easily made (maybe just takes a bit of time) and very taste. Had some vegan one as well a few months back which was great as well
Heute am Mittag: Ramen blobcatdrool Ich hab Bock. Da es das letzte Mal veganen gab will ich heute mal mit Fleisch probieren. Das wird auch die Fleisch-Esser der Familie erfreuen.
braindump :neocat_woozy:
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Weil mein Hirn dachte mich heute nacht wach halten zu müssen nachdem ich auf Toilette war dürft ihr gerne daran teilhaben:

Ah mein Brain war heute Nacht so ein bisschen lost. Ich war wach um aufs Klo zu gehen. Konnte dann nimmer so schnell einschlafen. Brain so: "Lass mal über das LLENN-Cosplay nachdenken!"

Erstmal realisiert dass der Hut eher Rot ist als Pink, also heißt dass ich hab irgendwie die falsche Farbe Schnürsenkel da und sollte eher die roten nehmen aber die roten die hab sind sehr rot und der Hut mehr so Rot-Rosa. Aber rot sollte wohl besser als die Pinken. neocat_woozy

Dann noch über Material nachgedacht. Dass die Jacke und Hose wohl am besten aus dem gleichen Stoff sein sollten wie der Hut in der gleichen Farbe. Auch schon drüber nachgedacht welche Hose man ggf. zerschnippeln kann und dass ich wohl ne günstige als Muster besorgen sollte...

Für die Handschuhe und Magazin-Taschen wäre sicher ein nettes Kunstleder nice weils einfach Stabiler ist wird dann aber safe dunkler sein was aber egal ist weils vielleicht nice akzente setzt und dann auch zu den Schnürsenkeln passt (den Roten)

Und die Jacke braucht ja noch nen Reißverschluss und die Hose am besten Gummizug oben und an den Beinen xD.

Alter wie lost ist mein Brain mich dafür ne Stunde wach zu halten

Thank you for coming to my TED-talk neofox_woozy
Edited 2 months ago

Hi all! I’m overdue for another Bridgy Fed status update. Bottom line up front: we’re now bridging video on Bluesky! Out from Bluesky works now, in will work as soon as they finish their user rollout, hopefully within days.

Also, Bridgy Fed can now ask people to bridge their accounts! This is the infamous “discoverable opt in,” and it’s finally launched. If you want to follow someone, but they’re not bridged, send their handle to Bridgy Fed in a DM or chat message, and it will message them to say you’re asking. (Only once; it won’t send another message if someone else asks.)

We send a couple other DMs now too, a welcome when you bridge your account, and an FYI when you reply to someone but they won’t see it because you’re not bridged .

It’s been a busy couple months. I was all set to post this weeks ago, after I put the finishing touches on DMs, but then Brazil happened. 3M new users and 10-20x usage increase in just a few days!

Amazingly, even though Bluesky team hosts all the difficult-to-scale parts themselves, not in the cloud, they’d still planned for this kind of surprise and handled it ok. Bridgy Fed though, not so much. It stayed up and serving, but Bluesky => fediverse got slower and slower. Tough timing, too, I was busy with other things and couldn’t find much time to work on it, so after a week it was almost 3 days (!) behind.

Fortunately, I finally managed to speed it up – props to Ilya‘s libipld library, among other things! – and after it worked through the backlog, we were back in business.

Anyway. Since last time: video, DMs, usage spike, and other features and bug fixes too:

As usual, feel free to ping me with feedback, questions, and bug reports. You can follow the now label on GitHub to see what I’m currently focusing on. See you on the bridge!

LETS FUCKING GO FEDI! 3 YEARS OF UTTER SUFFERING ARE FINALLY OVER apartyblobcat blobbee_party neobread_party

I have now concluded my Oral-Exams and am finally done with all of this University-Stuff


Also managed a total of 10,7 (out of 15) in total, which is quite good.

Finally my mind can rest and I can undulge in stuff again. Maybe it even gets to write some stuff for TRPG again, who knows.

An artwork of Part 4 Angelica because there's very few of it.
I hope when season 4 arrive we'll get more artwork of her and Lieseleta.

do you know that feeling when you want to shove a server out of the fucking window?

I am at this point rn

Ryou fanart~

Good evening Fedi. I kinda do feel like sharing some pics of my beloved outifits. I feel generally comfortable doing this. I think this should be fine.

I guess I can thank @guyinaskirt, @rick and a very special friend for a boost in confidence. I thought I share some of my favorites with you people.

The first image was about the outfit I wore for animagic (+plus some breast forms just to see how it would look)

I outfit with knitted gray sweater I dig so much with every shoe. Hotpants do look good on me lol. Show off thosr legs lol. I really like that outfit with the chelsea heels as well.

The red dress I like very much as well. Its a bit too tight since I ordered one size to small but I like the flow off that dress and the lace at the top

Funnily enough women garderobe lets me look kinda wider on my shoulders than normal. Oh well. akko_shrug I like myself.

If you have an idea what I could try for an outfit let me know. Still looking for some style. But nothing to femboy please >.>

Good evening Fedi. I kinda do feel like sharing some pics of my beloved outifits. I feel generally comfortable doing this. I think this should be fine.

I guess I can thank @guyinaskirt, @rick and a very special friend for a boost in confidence. I thought I share some of my favorites with you people.

The first image was about the outfit I wore for animagic (+plus some breast forms just to see how it would look)

I outfit with knitted gray sweater I dig so much with every shoe. Hotpants do look good on me lol. Show off thosr legs lol. I really like that outfit with the chelsea heels as well.

The red dress I like very much as well. Its a bit too tight since I ordered one size to small but I like the flow off that dress and the lace at the top

Funnily enough women garderobe lets me look kinda wider on my shoulders than normal. Oh well. akko_shrug I like myself.

If you have an idea what I could try for an outfit let me know. Still looking for some style. But nothing to femboy please >.>

Edited 4 months ago

Well, is ruined now. Because WTF is this nonsense?

STOP MINIMIZING AND INFANTALIZING THE DISABLED. In case you didn't know it, NaNoWriMo, we kind of hate that.


P.S. On the classism, that is unhinged in its detachment. For real, have they never met poor and working class writers and artists? We're MORE likely to work together.




Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

Edited 4 months ago
🗡️ Sword of Convallaria fan art ⚠️ Depicts alcohol consumption, foul language, and a *very* bad pun
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Ihr wisst ja (vielleicht), dass ich Alya einfach mag. Ein Youtuber hat mal ein bisschen was zusammengestellt aus den verschiedenen Dubs mit den Szenen wo Alya russisch spricht.

Ich feier Alyas Stimme auf deutsch, so clean*. Auch wenn die Kommentare meinen, dass noch ein bisschen Akzent zu hören sei.

Die Amerikanische Version klingt auch nice aber die Dame klingt durchaus etwas älter. Hat schon fast so MILF-Vibes lol.

Hier das Vid: Alya speaking Russian in multiple dubs [language by language]

Btw die Kinder auf deutsch klingen echt wie so Kinder von Russland-Deutschen.

*Ich bin selber ja ein Kind von Russlanddeutschen und für mich klang das sehr nice. Aber klar da muss man auf die echten Russen hören xD

#roshidere #anime
Bin mir ziemlich sicher dass das hier doch deinen Geschmack treffen wird @weebdeluxe

Partying so hard right now. The devs of Cross Code finally announced their new Game Alabaster Dawn. So looking forward to that. I really liked Cross Code and this one looks good as well.

The blog may take a bit to load so have the link to the trailer directly:

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