I made a website and it hasn't exploded yet!
<insert appropriate hashtags for the occassion here>
Posting this and seeing the access log be flooded with Mastodon requests is pretty interesting.
@stefan I'm aware of that, but seeing the speed at which it happened was what surprised me, I thought the federation was a bit slower, but nope, as soon as I posted the logs started showing movement.
Now the question is what's up with these "iPhones" making incomplete requests...
@stefan I'm fortunately not popular enough for that, but I'll see if the server ever explodes.
@jsstaedtler Oh wow, I didn't expect anyone to link to my site 🙃
It looks great, and thank you! I guess I now have to come up with something...
@jsstaedtler Oh btw, the blog has a link to this little demo that may or may not help you with your responsiveness shenanigans https://danceofthestylus.com/extras/masonry.html
Oh, I have javascript disabled so I didn't realize you had implemented your solution already 🙃
The dimensions are technically hard coded in an inline style, the code that generates the page checks the thumbnail's dimensions and just adds it in.
@jsstaedtler You can reserve space by adding a ::before or ::after block that has the desired width and height set, the block will be replaced once the image loads because of how img works.
I don't set width and height on img, rather I set variables --w and --h, then --ratio: calc(var(--w)/var(--h)) in css and use --ratio to d efine flex-grow, basis and max-width.
@jsstaedtler I'm sure it is my fault!
I'm looking a bit into it, the only test I did was with thunderbird and that one didn't complain
@jsstaedtler The validator says everything is right, so unless your phone is caching the old feed I'm not sure what else could it be https://www.rssboard.org/rss-validator/check.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdanceofthestylus.com%2Frss
@jsstaedtler Ok, I *think* I found the issue, I have a few anti-spam filters, particularly around fishy-looking user agents, and this app gets caught on it.
It reports "ReadYou/${versionName}(27)" as useragent and my filters don't like the curlies {} being there, I removed that from the filters and it should be fine now.
@konato @jsstaedtler That looks like a ReadYou bug. A quick search in their issue tracker shows this issue, so it was fixed late last year (but this fix is not in a released version yet).
It probably makes sense that your anti-spam filter picks up on this. After Log4Shell, a variable expansion in a user agent string would smell to me like sniffing for vulnerabilities.
@jsstaedtler @taylor I'll add the curlies back and just add an exception for this user agent then.