
Sometimes I stumble on stuff on youtube via its algorithm. This time a video about Gen 4 (HeartGold, Soulsilver, Diamond, Perl and Platinum) that explained how you can “time travel” in the games.

There are certain events which are time-based in the games and some are cheseable by setting the clock forward, but the game would check for that and penalize you for doing so.

The guy explains in the vid how he found an interesting method to travel safely on real hardware. The video was quite interesting.

You know whats the coolest thing though?

That person put their findings up on a written website (this one: This is so cool. I don’t need to watch the vid over and over when I would want to perform the trick. I could just read a damn website and go step by step.

Just bring back websites and not hide stuff away on discord. a small “made my day” for you all