This is a rather interesting video on algorithms and stuff, which funnily enough was recommended to me by the algorithm of youtube...

There is a strong point to be made for non algorithmic feeds on social media (though I do get the frustrations when coming to a new place where finding stuff without recommends is difficult.

I only really got a foothold onto the fediverse as I latched onto punis quite big server, where I had the chance to meet lovely people like rick, mame, ente, volpeon, aety and some others building a small network. And sometimes the people I already follow boost something cool and I end up making a connection with someone else over that.

There is some algorithms I like using like youtubes since it tends to recommend me nice stuff to watch. It can be quite weird sometimes recommending stuff that goes more extreme so media-literacy is still needed so sometimes I need to stop myself from clicking something that might just rile me up. Looking for something else to watch for (info)tainment.

Like I have no TV and most of the infotainment and entertainment is on youtube for me atm, as I am not tooo big on livestreams. I know I can use youtube without the algorithm with stuff like freetube or newpipe, Thats nice for keeping up with certain channels. Though sometimes I wanna browse something and see something new and cool I might like neocat_sweat