I stumbled onto this subreddit looking for tips on running a basic Plex server, and holy shit, you people are insane. Instead of finding normal humans, i complete psychos debating ZFS configurations like they're discussing fine wine. "Ah yes, this RAIDZ2 has subtle notes of data integrity." You are all a bunch of sick vitamin D deficient freaks.
I actually work with and manage multiple Kubernetes, mission critical infrastructure that actually matters. I spend my entire day working with containerised applications, and what do I find when I load up Reddit? Ansible playbook writing maniacs trying to automate their light switches. You are all a bunch of sick freaks who probably dream in YAML and wake up in cold sweats wondering if you forgot to enable that cron job
The worst part is how you enable each other. "Hey guys, just finished my basic home automation setup", and then you post a system diagram that looks like the blueprint for a nuclear reactor. Fourteen Docker containers just to manage a suite of 'internet of things connected shitware. You celebrate each others descent into madness with vomit inducing comments like "Nice setup! Have you considered adding Prometheus monitoring?" You are all a bunch of sick freaks, you make me ill.
@aetios I'm in this post and I don't like it 😱
Joking aside for a homelab thesedays unless you need a bunch of drive bays just use a mini-pc or if you want to play with a cluster a handful of them.
The modern (often laptop) CPU's are probably at least as powerful as that ancient 2u rack mount (In some cases a lot more powerful), but you'll use a fraction of the power particularly as a lot of them will drop to a handful of watts when idling.
@Dragon Yes, something like NUCs, or even a couple of Raspberry Pis, especially if you don't need massive compute.
Quite frankly, modern computers are *ridiculously* energy-efficient for the compute and storage you get out of them.
About the only legitimate reason I can see for *actually* running older server-like hardware is if you need the interconnects; like you're putting together a NAS for your video-editing backup storage or some such. But then it's not because it was a server.
@mkj @aetios I do have a few older servers (early epycs and an e5-v2), but that's because i'm getting the co-location cheap and using the same amount of ram/storage in "the cloud" would cost me a fortune.
The only reason I'm still runing the e5 is I haven't figured out what to swap it to, I'm thinking one of these miniforum boards or some stuch in a 1 or 2u case tbh.
Oh damn I really am in that post
@aetios It is a very nice strategy to make your home setup so complex, you go to work to relax a bit.
So, now I have to go. My enterprise firewall dropped a packet to my SDWAN and I need to make some tcpdumps
@aetios this had me in tears of laughter while waiting for the delivery of this very overpowerd mini-pc that's going to be the off-site node for my backups at my sister's house ...
Hey it was cheaper than building it with a Raspberry PI 5 16GB
it's this little beast Intel N150 so x64 2.5 GBit Ethernet
I went for the 16GB + 1TB SSD version
should be here in a day or 3