Crossdressing: Lolita Dress Edition / slight blood from shaving
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Am I having too much fun dressing up lately yeah likely. But this dress came in just yesterday so a photoshoot was in need!

Shaving legs for the first time as well. It took way too long and I took away some cuts as well. Gonna review if I wanna do that again ever. I am a tights person anyway really. So I will just wear thicker ones and likely don't care about shaving Ig

It is certainly a look atleast blobcatdrool

My favorites are the first two images. and the ones with the brown boots. I love the Dolly-50 Heels for their looks but the boots might end up more practical since they are flat. Tell me what you think akko_wink

#crossdressing #lolita #dress
re: Crossdressing: Lolita Dress Edition / slight blood from shaving
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@stefan ehm, good combo, but crossdressing without shaving seems very antithetical to me
re: Crossdressing: Lolita Dress Edition / slight blood from shaving
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@NeonPurpleStar Yeah I get that. Though if you layer enough tights it does not matter as you can see in the first two pics ^^"

But I am not joking myself anyway since I am not trying to pass its fine with me. My face for example is not shaved as well and I do not really wanna shave when crossdressing either.

The shaving I did today took quite some time as I have quite hairy legs as well lol. Subsequent shaves might be faster and easier it seems like a lot of effort to me if I can instead put on some thicker tights,

Not really a bareleg type myself. It does show off my calves very good though. neocat_laugh

@stefan Don't shave, it will grow back thicker. Use a depilatory. Then apply moisturizer

@ubirtuncer You know its a busted myth that hair grows "thicker". you just cut it so it grows back with its tip being where you cut it.

I don't really want shave or remove hair in the future anyway. It seems like I made some mistake along and my Thigh looks like a mine-field blobcatjoy Razor-burn baby.

So I will just wear some thicker tights and be done with it. The first 2 pics I wear 100Den nudes and 20Den blacks over it

@stefan If being hairy is your choice, I can't say anything. I just said there are other ways besides the razor. There will definitely be people who like you hairy.

Crossdressing: Lolita Dress Edition / slight blood from shaving
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So cute! 😍