@aetios@sns.minovsky.space my connection can't handle this
@stefan@akko.lightnovel-dungeon.de @thomastospace@phpc.social @aetios@sns.minovsky.space perhaps try to minify and compress it (with brotli) ?
With graphicsmagick on the commandline you can optimize pngs by reducing their colors.
Basically, png has a 'map' of colors, and each color gets assigned an id in binary. If you reduce the colors, that id gets smaller.
Two images below. One is 30.7 KB, the other one 5.3 KB. TinyPNG got to 9 KB for it, so I've beaten it!
I've used -colors 8 for this. It helps that there's hardly any different colors in here. It's a bit of trial & error per image.