"Discord guilds that I'm running" count - 1
Not that I announced the shutdown of the DeckHack server to be at the end of October and it's like 11 days late or anything...noooo
The count is now down to 2 guilds left:
* My personal Discord hangout, where no one hangs out at
* Pangya reverse engineering chat room
ah yes, having a personal Discord server with nothing going on because I have trouble approaching people
I'd just like to have a friend group again that just randomly assembles like in the good old days and no need to ask around to hang out and what not
@pixel just spam all the ppl you like (that you're reasonably confident won't fight each other) with an invite!
Optional: say something weird, such as "do you like rats? How about sinkholes? Consider my server, which combines BOTH!"
(This is a reference to the server I share with a few friends, typically known as "A Sinkhole Full of Rats". We of course are the rats.)
@tabby the thing is, there's already like 40 people on the server
and considering it's a personal one, I do feel like there's some...expectancy of me being the initiator of social stuff in a sense, so...the server isn't really doing stuff on it's own.
so, no real opportunities to "join in" in moments where I feel less sociable, kinda.
@pixel where are you chatterbox friends?? It might be your server but it doesn't mean you need to initiate EVERY convo, esp if you know ppl that can talk up a storm if left to their own devices.
@tabby hmm, maybe none of my friends are chatterbox friends? 🤔