I went hiking today with collegues from work. I was not really a fan of hiking to begin with, but still it was kinda just not the part where we took the path in the woods once and made a bit more distance than anticipated. Though tbh the distance listed was kinda misleading anyway. 12km were advertised to us, well it was certainly more than that.

I am fucking done for today...

@puniko mad props to you for doing this regularly. But I am surely not a hiking person. Personally I am more into doing comfy bike tours. Got some images for you still. Maybe you like them. Though they may be kinda meh. View was nice but it just too long of a trip tbh.

Btw wont add image descriptions, sorry. I am just to dead right now.

@stefan hiking has much to do with mentality. you can go a long way if you are able to find “your speed”, as we call it. taking it easy pays off way more than trying to get there quickly

props to you for trying it out and i hope you had a nice expirience and could enjoy the nature

looking at the images, the view sure is nice

@puniko Yeah I honestly think taking the slightly easier (read more broad path) would have been a better choice. I did not like these small narrow paths since well its easy to slip.

It was nice for sure like up until a few hours into the afternoon. Resting more here and there might been good (and not getting of the course).

Views were quite good as well after the fog cleared up. I had no zoom on my smartphone-camera so thats all the photo you get. Were at a spot that was very nice look at though.

I do prefer biking tbh but those paths we took would be bikeable even on a good day.

Its was nice but maybe a tad too long. We were all pretty much done as we reached the spot where we could order up a couple drinks. ^^"


It was nice for sure like up until a few hours into the afternoon. Resting more here and there might been good (and not getting of the course).

sounds more to me that you were going too quickly. because the key is to go easy, which leads to not having to stop as many times to regain strength and also to have more time to walk cautiously on narrow paths. as i said, its a big mental thing.

@puniko It certainly did not help on the timing side that we kinda lost track of where to go at one point 😹

It was still overall pretty nice and need to go work physically tomorrow. Since I feel like tomorrow might be fun. I will head to bed now and hopefully be well rested tomorrow ^^"
@puniko Danke bin auch schon wieder wach. Auch wenn ich nicht sagen würde ich han nen Kater, man merkt ich hab gestern was gemacht. Die Beine sind noch ein bisschen schwer xD.

Gut dass ich einfach comfy zu Hause chillen kann heute blobfoxcomfy