
i wish this weren’t such a rare exception in anime. the writing in most shows, even highly acclaimed ones, is so incredibly bad it’s not even funny.

like come on, at least TRY to make the characters interesting! at least TRY to tell me something about them without using flashback scenes or 10 minutes of inner dialogue and self-exposition!

@mia I mean... You have to look at what exactly gets adapted most of the time. Its stuff from amateur-writers who wrote a compelling enough story to get by.

You might know I love me some isekai, but some of them are just plain bad or so generic it hurts.

There is also that unique Problem that anime has compared to the novels which is that they are rushed af most of the time. That can ruin even great source material into something way lesser where stuff just does not make sense because the cut too much or rush the good stuff.

I love Danmachi dearly for example. Watched one season of the anime fell in love with it and switched over to the books. They are making the 5th season of that by now and fans agree it is very rushed... Which is so sad to see.

Another one I like not for its stellar writing (tbh its average) but its characters is konosuba. Again started with the anime and switched to books later. Watched the film and was so dissapointed by it. They cut many fun stuff and instead we get a kaiju-esque ending. Oh well. And the second season did rush a lot of peak kazuma lol.

I have removed myself so much from anime for that reason. In the end most of the time they are glorified adverts...

Enough of my rant. The second thing you go on is a typical Light Novel trait in most things. I know too many that do that

@stefan more specifically i think the problem with anime is that many productions fail to really use it as a medium. that’s what you get when most of it is done for the bottom line, i.e. soulless adaptations of already-successful works.

i really feel that as a translator as well. with 90% of shows i don’t even watch the video because i can tell from the first 5 minutes that i’m not gonna miss anything important. you can always tell from the first few scenes whether it’s a show someone really wanted to make, or a show someone had to make.

@mia That is also a truth of the anime-industry as a whole. Its soulless and capitalistic when we talk seasonal anime and adaptions as a whole. We might try to paint it otherwise but thats the truth

Don't get me wrong there are Anime I absolutely adore for getting it. Personally this season Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian sticks out to me..

The japanese specially casted a VA that also speaks russian. I mean you hear an accent but it is quite good tbh. Its also one of the few anime would want to purchase for its German-Dub. They cast a VA who came from Poland and also speaks russian. It sounds so good tbh. They really done their best with the adaption into anime actually doing the VA for Scenes where alya supposedly speaks russian in russian.

The Light Novel do use some cyrillic as well but only for very select certain scenes. (Since its hard to read for normal audiences).

I really feel like they did that show a good one deciding to go that route. But as you say exeption not the norm sadly... (sorry for gushing that much lol)