Edited 2 months ago
Made it back from Animagic.

It was good, though certainly diffferent and smaller than dokomi. There is certainly an appeal going for a smaller con like Animagic. It was certainly more anime-centric than dokomi for sure. There were different cool panels and anime-screenings.

The Rosengarten on the outside was pretty cool as well. A friend told me you were not allowed to go onto the grass there a few years ago. Seems like they dropped that rule. There was lots of nice cosplay and generally a nice vibe in terms of atmosphere. Kinda like a small festival outside of the actual con. Very cool and chill.

It was nice to spent some time with @rick and my friend Dave which I met through the blog. I had a good time with the two.

I do generally like dokomi more actually for being a bigger and more "versatile" than Animagic. I do generally enjoy these conventions to meet people (online friends yay) though. Also dokomi had like a way bigger artist alley where you can get the unique stuff. The stuff from bigger publishers you can get online very easily.

One day on Animagic was enough for me though. Being in Mannheim for the first time certainly was a treat though.

The Mannheimer Quadrate are certainly full of life and full opportunities to eat some nice stuff and buy things. Rosengarten also was very beautiful.

I do think that next year dokomi might be the way to go for and maybe actually getting to some hackercon maybe. But thats all up in the air since I don't know where the hell I end up next year with work.

But having some vacation on a con again was nice. Also I got to dress nicely with a skirt and reasonable heeled boot lol. (Actually made it the whole day in those things without collecting blisters lol) I felt good that day. Skirts are sure nice in that weather.

Though tbh I would felt well with shorts as well.
@stefan yaaaaayy it was very fun to meet you again too ai_yay
@stefan if you wanna come to an hacker event, just ping me ;)
@rick Ye will tell you when I know where the hell I am working next year and stuff is settled ther.